Sunday, December 26, 2004

The power of mind

Do you believe in the power of mind ?

People often underestimate it. They do not believe that a strong mind do have enormous creating power. Wanna proof ? Watch your TV box. Think how ads work. They base their business on the fact that minds _do_ create things... in this case, ads influence customers' mind to decide to spend money.

Can we use the same power for better things ? Yes, we can. We can tell our mind to care our health. We order our mind to achieve our goals. We ensure our mind to travel safely in our daily activities. And many other examples...

The key is focus and faith. You have to focus your mind on a specific target, and nothing else. Once your mind is focused, bring the target to the deep of your heart, then lock it with faith. In no circumstances that the target will miss. Haqqul yaqin. Then release it from your mind. From here, do not interfere... Let the Mighty Power works on it... InsyaAllah you will pick fruitful results...

Well... that is my interpretation of pasrah.

Try it... It works for me :)


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